Fruit Shashlik Recipe

  • 1 cup - pineapple, cut into 2 cm cubes
  • 1 cup - musk melon, cut into 2 cm cubes
  • 1 cup - apple, peeled and cut into 2 cm cubes
  • 1 cup - banana, cut into 2cm thick slices
  • 3 tbsp - Honey
  • 2 tbsp - Lime juice
  • 1 tsp - Cinnamon powder
  • Melted Butter to brush
  • Sugar to sprinkle.
    Mix fruits with honey and lime juice and leave aside for 10-15 minutes. Thread the fruits alternately on bamboo skewers. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar. Place the skewers on a hot griddle, pour some melted butter all round, and grill on all sides till the sugar is caramelized and fruits are slightly softened. Serve as a dessert with a scoop vanilla ice cream.


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